Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Oct 2015 Gr 1: Fair Play

First graders got a look at a new book that was donated to our school by the author, Josh Funk. In his day job, he is a colleague of a kindergarten parent and we were fortunate to receive this copy!

I especially like the story because it demonstrates what can happen between friends when things get too competitive. Poor choices are made, sometimes dangerous situations arise, and feelings are hurt as Lady Pancake and Sir French Toast race through the refrigerator in hopes of claiming the last drop of syrup for themselves. 

Students were able to identify actions poor sportsmanship during different aspects of the story. Furthermore, they made could name the different 'feeling' words that each character may have been experiencing. 

I'm so impressed with how many things from our Kindergarten lessons these first graders have retained! It's gratifying to see them absorb the concepts of self and others, along with how our actions can impact those around us and how they feel about us a result of our behavior. 

We will continue to work on our 'feelings vocabulary', taking perspective, and using self-control!

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