Thursday, October 5, 2017

Oct 2017 Gr 3: Self Esteem

Dear Families,
October’s third grade Social-Emotional-Learning lesson involves  viewing a program called My Best Me: All About Self-Esteem. We have learned that self-esteem is determined by how much we value ourselves and our abilities. Many children today struggle with feeling helpless, and not good enough. The weight of the world can sometimes appear to be on their shoulders.

The program is composed of these four main points:
1 . All Your Talents: Assessing your own strengths and weaknesses helps give you a better sense of where you can excel, and feel good about yourself. Accept who you are.
2. Your Best: Doing your best is what really matters. We all have strengths and weaknesses, and must acknowledge that we may have to work harder at some things than others.
3. Being Different is Good: Taking pride in your personal identity is an important way to gain good self-esteem. Be true to yourself.
4. Choose Who You Listen To: Rely upon the people who accept you. Never let other people’s negativity keep you from pursuing your goals.

Talk to your child about what self-esteem means. Share your own experiences with your child.
Have you ever experienced low self-esteem? What helped you regain your self-esteem? Are there
things that your child wishes to improve? Work together to develop a reasonable, step-by-step
action plan that will help your child use his or her strengths.
Thank you for helping us as we examine this important topic!

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