Monday, February 4, 2019

February 2019 - Grade 3: Kidding Around

For our February Social-Emotional lesson, 3rd graders are listening to the story Just Kidding! by Trudy Ludwig.  This is a story about relational aggression between boys, and how the phrase ‘just kidding’ is often used to mask hurtful comments as a joke.

Children often see teasing and kidding around among families and friends used as a way to show affection. In these instances, the teaser and the person being teased will easily trade roles, tease back and forth, and there is no imbalance of power or innate cruelty in the comments. Also, if a line is crossed and feelings get hurt, a good-natured teaser will immediately stop and issue a sincere apology. 

In this story, the teaser’s intent was to hurt and humiliate a peer in front of others. The main character laments, ‘when a joke has a sharp edge to it, it can cut you to pieces’. 

Students need guidance on how to use humor gently, and with respect for another’s feelings. We must also point out when they have said something hurtful, and be clear that saying ‘I was just kidding’ is not an acceptable apology or excuse. If a joke is made at another’s expense, it is certainly not funny to the person on the receiving end. 

Classes have been having  productive discussions about the issues raised in the story. Most children have experienced or witnessed this type of interaction. I encourage you to continue these conversations at home. 

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