Monday, November 5, 2018

October 2018 - Grades 3 & 4: Better Than You

Grades 3 and 4 listened to Trudy Ludwig's book 'Better Than You' this month for our Social Emotional Learning lesson. Children this age are often unaware how often the feel it's necessary to 'one up' their peers. This book allows an impartial look at how this impacts others and can actually drive away friends. 

"Jake's bragging is really starting to get to his neighbor Tyler. Tyler can't show Jake a basketball move, a school assignment, or a new toy without Jake saying he can do better. Tyler starts to wonder:  Is something wrong with him? Is he really such a loser? Is Jake really better than him at everything?  Or is Jake the one with the problem? With the help of his uncle Kevin, Tyler begins to understand that Jake's bragging has nothing to do with Tyler's own abilities and that puffing yourself up leaves little room for friends."

Students engaged in a lively discussion about how both Jake and Tyler were feeling throughout the story. I was impressed by their insight as they speculated on why Jake might be doing all this bragging. At the end of the story, Tyler has a decision to make about who he spends his time with, and all the kids agreed they would prefer a friends who is not only accepting of differences, but also one who encourages and cheers on other's efforts.

'Better Than You helps give kids insight into what lies beneath the urge to brag and shows them how bragging can break friendships rather than build them.'

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